Investigation of Interfacial Degradation in Glass/Glass Photovoltaic Modules
DuraMAT aims to provide chemical, structural, and mechanical insights that will enable a cutting-edge understanding of the degradation mechanisms present in glass/glass photovoltaic (PV) module interfaces.
We will develop and adapt imaging, adhesion measurements, and interfacial characterization methods for the glass/glass module geometry. Comparison between the performance of glass/glass and more conventional glass/backsheet modules subjected to stress testing will allow us to begin to quantify the potential increase in reliability for glass-glass module construction.
Core Objective
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The glass/glass characterization methods used in this project can provide additional insights for other glass/glass reliability projects. The project team invites collaboration with other groups interested in this area.
The capabilities developed in this project are available to DuraMAT team members and external collaborators.
To learn more about this project, contact Laura Schelhas.